Personal assistant service
This service aims to improve the daily coping of an in its housing living adult with a profound and severe visual impairment. First of all service enables to exercise social activities.
This includes the participation in studies, hobbies and other activities outside home. It gives disabled person an opportunity to develop their independence.
To relieve his family members of the obligation to provide continuous assistance is important for every blind adult.
Consulting services
Information material adaptation/customization service
Estonian Library for the Blind at Tondi street
Operating grant to association
IT consultation service
Long-term protected workplace service
Long-term protected workplace service (LTWS) is aimed at unemployed people who have been found to be incapacitated or partially incapacitated for work. To be successful in future they need long preparation to move into the open labor market and.
The purpose of the LTWS service is to provide people with disabilities with the opportunity to work in a secure and adapted environment.